Joshua Gaskell 

Can you name the books on these benches? – quiz

If you visit London this summer, you'll find some of your favourite characters as you've never seen them before, thanks to Books About Town, a National Literary Trust project, which has placed fifty book benches all over the capital. The specially commissioned artwork depicts the scenes and characters from classic stories, from the boy who wouldn't grow up to the strict nanny blown in on the east wind. How many can you recognise?

  1. Bench 1

    1. The Hunting of the Snark

    2. Through the Looking-Glass

    3. The Worst Witch

    4. Alice in Wonderland

  2. Bench 2

    1. Mary Poppins

    2. The Enchanted Castle

    3. The Railway Children

    4. The Phoenix and the Carpet

  3. Bench 3

    1. Wind in the Willows

    2. The Animals of Farthing Wood

    3. Toad of Toad Hall

    4. The Hobbit

  4. Bench 4

    1. Katie's Map of London

    2. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

    3. Katie and the Starry Night

    4. Katie in London

  5. Bench 5

    1. Five Children and It

    2. Totally Wonderful Miss Plumberry

    3. We're Going on a Bear Hunt

    4. George's Marvellous Medicine

  6. Bench 6

    1. Queenie, Opal Plumstead and Diamond

    2. Hetty Feather, Tracey Beaker and Double Act

    3. Dustbin Baby, Lily Alone and Vicky Angel

    4. My Sister Jodie, The Lottie Project and The Suitcase Kid

  7. Bench 7

    1. Just So Stories

    2. Kim

    3. The Jungle Book

    4. The Tiger Who Came to Tea

  8. Bench 8

    1. How to Train Your Dragon

    2. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

    3. Hiccup the Seasick Viking

    4. Haroun and the Sea of Stories

  9. Bench 9

    1. Pippi Longstocking

    2. Ruby Redfort

    3. Clarice Bean

    4. Charlie and Lola

  10. Bench 10

    1. Sam-I-Am

    2. Superworm

    3. The Gruffalo

    4. Fox in Socks


1:B, 2:C, 3:A, 4:D, 5:C, 6:B, 7:C, 8:A, 9:C, 10:C


  1. 2 and above.

    Bad luck, you're still on the bench.

  2. 5 and above.

    Not bad, take a seat and try again.

  3. 10 and above.

    Well done! This is a turn-up for the books.


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