
Us Minus Mum by Heather Butler – review

Cleopatra: 'The book made me feel sad throughout, but it is also quite funny in some places'

Two boys, George and Theo, think their mum is absolutely awesome. They also have a dog called Goffo, who farts a lot when he eats dog treats. The boys notice that the grown-ups in their life start to spend a lot of time in the kitchen with the door shut. So they decide to investigate and find out that their mum is crying, which makes them confused and worried. When they see on the calendar that their mum has an appointment with someone, they go online and find out that it is with a doctor. They eventually find out that she has a brain tumor, so they decide to enter Goffo the dog into a pet talent competition to cheer her up. He wins.

Both brothers are afraid that their mum's cancer is terminal. The book made me feel sad throughout, as I was thinking what I would do if my mum was dying of cancer. The book is also quite funny in some places, so it is not all gloomy.

• Buy this book at the Guardian Bookshop

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