
Looking for Alaska by John Green – review

booknerdia: 'This book explores real life problems and real people'

As I'm sure some of you are aware, Looking for Alaska is going to be turned into a movie. So if you are trying to decide if you want to read the book before you see the movie, this is the review for you.

The book starts with Miles moving to Culver Creek High School from his home in LA to seek "a great perhaps". Soon after Miles arrives at Culver Creek, he meets his room mate "The Colonel" who is funny and strangely charming. I felt honoured to see how the pair's friendship develops through the 262 pages and what they overcome together. The Colonel is the person who introduces Miles to Alaska, who has come to be one of my favourite fictional characters of all time.

Without giving too much away, from the first time they meet, Miles seems fascinated with Alaska and her attitude towards life. John Green explores some controversial subjects which is why Looking for Alaska isn't suitable for younger readers in my opinion (along with some explicit parts).

The whole first half of the book is counting down the days to the main event, which allows an unbelievable amount of tension to build. The next half of the book counts down the days after. Be prepared for a rollercoaster of emotions that Looking for Alaska brings, because although the book is quite short, it is one of the best books I have read and I would recommend it to everyone.

This book explores real life problems and real people. An amazing read.

• Buy this book at the Guardian Bookshop

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