Jammy Dodger 

Kensuke’s Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo – review

Jammy Dodger: 'The book is extremely touching with an emotional ending and a tragic plot. It's quite sad and has some amazing vocabulary so I would recommend it for 8+'

The book is about an eleven year old boy named Michael who loves sailing and his family decide to take a journey around the world. Sadly he falls overboard with his one–ear–up–one–ear–down black and white sheepdog. He washes up on an island and curls up to die until...

The book is extremely touching with an emotional ending and a tragic plot. It's quite sad and has some amazing vocabulary so I would recommend it for 8+. I love the way the author makes the characters (especially Michael) strong and powerful yet so childish and interesting. There are so many amazing bits it is like reading so many different book all with the same plot.

The only thing I would change is I would extend the middle slightly other than that you get so engrossed with the book I wouldn't want to change it.

• Buy this book at the Guardian Bookshop

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