Sam Jordison 

One Three One: A Time-Shifting Gnostic Hooligan Road Novel review – Julian Cope’s far-out tale of fighting and time travel

This strange, funny and exuberant novel pitches hooligans against a Dutch cult on Sardinia. Only Cope could get away with this, says Sam Jordison

Julian Cope
Julian Cope: 'pretty out there'. Photograph: Murdo Macleod for the Observer Photograph: Murdo Macleod/Observer

Julian Cope, rock star, antiquarian and author, will never be a national treasure: he's got too much attitude ever to seem that cosy. But he is a native genius, and it can only be good news that he's turned to writing novels – even if this first effort may disappoint those expecting something on a par with his wonderful 1994 autobiography, Head-On.

Cope struggles without the astonishing and compelling central character of that earlier book (which is to say, himself). This strange story of rock-star hooligans battling a Dutch cult on Sardinia and of megalithic time travel (don't ask) sometimes feels like a slog. It is also far from subtle: Cope hasn't so much turned it up to 11 as brought in a new amp that starts at 11. The result is pretty out there, even by the standards of a man who once recorded Woden – 72 minutes of weather noises and single-track synth drone. It isn't half as lovely as that album turned out to be, either.

And yet there are rewards. H is prose is occasionally superb and never less than exuberant. There are memorable images ("like uncongealing blood through a bandage, came I ever on"), fantastic rants and belly-grabbing humour, from an extravagant opening fart gag to closing explosions. The book doesn't quite come together, but it's rarely dull.


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