The Book Bunch 

Group reviews: a selection

The Book Bunch have found us some truly life-changing books to read...

Secret Agent Jack Stalwart The Hunt For The Yeti Skull: Nepal by Elizabeth Singer Hunt
Review by Clarkey

This book is all about a boy called Jack Stalwart who was a Secret Agent for the GPF (Global Protection Force). The GPF are searching for a Yeti Skull but so are the Russian Secret Ops team. If Jack doesn't find the skull before the Russians, then there won't be a new exhibit for the museum and the the museum will have to close down..... This book was very adventurous, with lots of twists and turns, lots of new gadgets and there was even a map showing how fast the wind blew! This is a great book for boys 7 and over and some adventurous girls. I rate this book five stars out of five!

Three Pickled Herrings by Sally Gardner

Review by Clarkey

This book has not one, but three mysteries in the story so it was very mysterious indeed. At the start of the book a man dies in a very weird and strange way, by shooting up in the air and falling back down to earth like a stone! This very odd thing to happen naturally makes you want to find out what's behind it all. My favourite part was when Buster the fairy was fighting Toff the Terrible, it was very funny reading about a goblin fighting a boy. Sorry I won't tell you who won...... This book is a good book for both boys and girls aged 7/8 and up. It's very easy to read and I would give this book 4 and 7/8ths out of 5.

Opal Moonbaby by Maudie Smith
Review by BellaB

Opal Moonbaby has quite literally changed my life. Opal is a very thoughtful girl and always sorts things out for others. I thought it was good having just one picture per chapter. Sometimes too many pictures can ruin your imagination. It is a very very very funny book! I wanted start reading the next one immediately!

Bang goes a Troll by The Beastly Boys
Review by Robo

Bang goes a Troll is an AMAZING new series. The book quite literally won't let you put it down! Ulf is a werehuman who lives at the RSPCB (the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Beasts). One night, as he is going to bed Dr Fielding and Oroson the giant receive an SOS message from Spotter Nor8 (a messenger goblin) who lives in Honeycomb Mountain. Dr Fielding and Orson head off in their helicopter to respond to the SOS, they do not know that Ulf and his fairy friend Tiana are hiding in the back of the helicopter. Ulf and Tiana have a spooky feeling that they ought to help Dr Fielding in her attempt to stop a beast hunt. This book is the third adventure in the series. I have not read the first 2 and was still able to follow the story. I really want to read the other books in the series now!

The Great Piratical Rumbustification by Margaret Mahy
Reviewed by Ronaldo

The Terrapin family move to a new house. Mr Terrapin feels sick whenever he thinks about the money they have spent. Mr and Mrs Terrapin go out and need a babysitter. The Mother Goose Baby sitting agency arrange for a strange man to babysit. He is real SURPRISE! The babysitter organized a party. Mr Terrapin comes back angry that he didn't see the man he had hoped to see and is HORRIFIED to discover the party. But then they join in the fun and dance. This book is really exciting. I liked the pictures. It is a very short story and fun. I recommend this to all children from 5 to 8.

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