Presented by Jonathan Freedland and produced by Sarah Peters 

Sounds Jewish podcast: Jewish Book Week special

Joining Jonathan Freedland in a Jewish Book Week special are guests Shalom Auslander, Etgar Keret, Meg Rosoff and David Schneider

This month Sounds Jewish is celebrating a diamond jubilee: adoring crowds, celebrities, though far too little bunting. No, not that diamond jubilee - it's Jewish Book Week celebrating its 60th anniversary.

First up: Shalom Auslander, a long acclaimed memoirist discusses his first novel, Hope: A Tragedy which features an elderly and foul-mouthed Anne Frank hiding in the main character's attic. Shalom says he wanted to challenge the image of the "pathetic little girl who died".

Israeli short story writer Etgar Keret reads from his new collection of short stories, Suddenly a Knock on the Door. He tells Jonathan why he feels more Jewish than Israeli, and how Israel is going through a golden age of TV drama, inspiring the new Channel 4 hit Homeland.

Multi-award-winning writer Meg Rosoff tells us how a joke about a dyslexic atheist prompted the title of her new book There is No Dog. The book imagines God as a sex-mad, lazy, creative 17-year-old.

And comedy maestro David Schneider, in a fetching polyester tracksuit, explains why Jews and sport don't mix in his Jewish Book Week show My Son, the Gold Medallist: A Short History of the Jews and the Olympics. But hold on – what about Mark Spitz and that bloke from Chariots of Fire?

And following the phenomenon of the Six-Word Memoirs, the brainchild of Larry Smith , we ask our guests to sum up their lives in six words.

And don't forget to look out for the JCC's listening party on Thursday 29 March, Alone together, recreating the forgotten stories of London's East End.

• Sounds Jewish is produced by the Jewish Community Centre for London.


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