Patrick Renshaw obituary

Other lives: Historian of American politics and labour who produced a major study of the General Strike

Rod Kedward obituary

Historian who brought to light the important role of rural communities in the French resistance during the second world war

Elain Harwood obituary

Architectural historian who championed the preservation of England’s postwar buildings and the brutalist style

Donald Hinds obituary

Writer, teacher and historian whose book Journey to an Illusion provided an insight into the lives of postwar Black immigrants

Christopher Ligota obituary

Other lives: Academic and librarian at the Warburg Institute, University of London, who made a substantial contribution to the field of historiography

Sir Laurence Martin obituary

Historian and security strategist who was aware of the elusiveness of a relationship of trust with a nuclear power such as the Soviet Union

Paul Ginsborg obituary

Historian, author and leftwing activist who was professor of contemporary European history at the University of Florence